Monday, April 16, 2007


I don't like Mondays, AT ALL!!! Because I have to go to band, and I want to go fishing with my dad. Sundays are my favourite day of the week. In fact yesterday I almost died laughing. I went to my Friends house and her siters were away accept for her youngest, Abi,(we call her rabbit.) we were playing a game that we made up I called it Jump till you Die we were jumping on the trampoline and me and lia gave up while rabbit kept on jumping she bounced both of us and then we bounced her vary high me and lia were laghting soooo hard then we needed to go inside. one of her siters emily had a stop sighn that she made herself i asked if i could brake it rabbit said "you can push on it see" and she pushed on it as hard as she could. CRACK .It broke and me and lia were laghting even more

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