Friday, March 30, 2007

How to make a magic wand!!

For school i had to make imaginary instructions. I want your opinon on it.
How to make a magic wand by jurnee.
have you ever wanted a magic wand? Just follow the instructions and have fun!
You will need a hollow stix, some magic beans, poitans from a fariy, pixydust, four 9 volt batteries, glue, and sissers. (or saw.)
First, take the stix and cut a hole in the top with the sissers and put the magic beans in the stix. The beans will make stuff grow.
Next, put the poitens and pixey dust in the stix, the pixey dust will make you fly.CAUTION make sure you know what kinds of poitens you put in there.
Then glue the lid back on and cut a hole in the side make shore the hole does not go throgh to the hollow part. put the batteries in the hole and glue the top back on.
to see if it works say bipity-bopity-boo. change the batteries every 6 months and DON'T LET IT GET WET!!!